Category: Uncategorized

What Level of Mental Health Treatment Do I Need?

Have you ever asked yourself what level of mental health treatment do I need? Deciding to enroll in a mental health treatment program can sometimes feel like…

Is Your Mental Health A Disaster?

Is Your Mental Health A Disaster? Look at your decision making team and evaluate what is working or not working. There’s an old saying that I’m sure you’ve h…

Life Coach’s #1 Key To Work-Life Balance

Getting life track “Work-Life Balance” has become one of the most common topics people ask me about lately. I think this is because so much of our lives has …

Why People Discredit Me as a Life Coach

What’s your knee-jerk reaction when you hear that I’m a “Life Coach”? Do you have any perceptions of what I do specifically? What ske…

Symptoms and Treatment of Meth Comedown

If you struggle with methamphetamine (meth) addiction, finding a way to stop and break the cycle of use can be extremely difficult. Meth is highly addictive …

How Intensive Outpatient Therapy Helps with Depression

Mental health can be treated in many ways. This article helps explain how intensive outpatient therapy helps with depression. Symptoms of depression are ofte…

Rise of Depression and Alcoholism During the Pandemic

The rise of depression and alcoholism during the pandemic has had a lasting impact on people around the world.  Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, from lockdo…

Has the Pandemic Increased Your Anxiety?

Not a day goes by that we don’t think about the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted every aspect of our lives. The pandemic has triggered anxiety s…

Compassion Fatigue Treatment & Prevention

By Morgan D. Love, MSW Clinical Therapist | CAST Treatment Centers In the field of psychology, compassion is regarded as a practice involving elements of emp…

How Social Media Affects Your Mental Health

People have begun to wonder how social media affects your mental health. In recent years, social media has become a huge part of our everyday lives. Many peo…

Group Therapy and Your Healing Cup of Tea

Written by Morgan D. Love, MSW, Clinical Therapist at CAST Treatment Centers What is group therapy? How can group therapy help with mental health? Researcher…

HIV and Sobriety

  Written by Mike Rizzo, LMFT When I was asked to write this article on HIV and sobriety I initially said yes and as I began to research the article it …

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