Anxiety Treatment In Los Angeles, CA

We understand how difficult it is to manage anxiety on a daily basis. Therefore, we offer anxiety treatment in Los Angeles for those who need to cope with their anxiety and begin to live a comfortable life. Our team will provide patients with professional help in order to effectively calm the mind and relax the body from any worries that become overwhelming.

Worry is a common feeling everyone experiences in their lives. However, for some people, it can take over their life. Anxiety is a very serious mental health disorder that impacts a person’s livelihood and well-being. There can be many levels of anxiety one can struggle with. Even symptoms can occur, such as isolation, health problems, and irrational behavior.

anxiety treatment

The Difference Between Worry and Anxiety

When one is faced with an event and is unsure about the outcome, it’s natural to feel worried. Giving a speech and driving at night in bad weather are common examples of situations that make people nervous. However, once they start to feel more confident about the situation, the worry goes away.

Anxiety is different. It’s like a much more powerful version of worry that affects mental and physical health. It causes not only severe emotional distress but also physical symptoms that are hard to cope with.

While worry is a temporary feeling triggered by specific situations, anxiety is part of an ongoing problem. For instance, it’s normal to feel nervous when driving at night in harsh weather. But if someone avoids driving altogether because they’re afraid the weather might turn bad, they’re dealing with anxiety. Our anxiety treatment in Los Angeles can help overcome these feelings in order to live a life free of excess worry and stress.

Our Anxiety Inventory is a seven-question multiple-choice self-report inventory, one of the most widely used psychometric tests for measuring the severity of anxiety.

Symptoms of Anxiety: Physical and Emotional/Mental

When someone is nervous about an upcoming event, they might feel “butterflies” in their stomach when they think about it. That’s a mild feeling that doesn’t persist and doesn’t prevent them from taking part in the event.

Anxiety is different. It causes a wide range of physical and mental symptoms that tend to linger, affecting their ability to manage everyday life.

Physical Symptoms

Physical anxiety symptoms are caused by a body response called “fight-or-flight.” It evolved in ancient humans to help them escape from danger. During the fight-or-flight response, the adrenal glands release adrenaline. This helps supply the brain and body with more oxygen, so they’re ready to react instinctively—to fight danger or run from it. 

As a result:

  • Faster breathing
  • Increase in heartbeat
  • Increases in blood pressure
  • Slower digestion

Fight-or-flight helped our ancient ancestors escape danger, but these days, we rarely face the kind of physical danger they did. Still, one’s fight-or-flight response can kick in when the brain perceives: 

  • Pain
  • Discomfort
  • A threatening situation

While the fight-or-flight response is most often triggered by worry or fear, humans still feel the physical effects. Even though there’s usually no threat to one’s survival, someone’s powerful imagination builds on the physical effects, turning a minor worry into a major threat.

Some physical symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Muscle tension or pain– This could be in the shoulders, neck, or jaw, or from clenching fists for no reason.
  • Pounding or rapid heartbeat or heart palpitations– This can happen anytime, even when not consciously feeling anxious.
  • Chronic indigestion, stomach ache, diarrhea, constipation, or other digestive system issues.
  • Compulsive behaviors– For example, rubbing one’s fingers together, clearing the throat, chewing lips, or picking at skin or hair.
  • Panic attacks– Racing heartbeat or heart palpitations, sweating, nausea, chills, and a feeling of losing control.

Emotional/Mental Symptoms

Emotional and mental symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Persistent or intrusive thoughts about situations that make one feel anxious
  • Irrational fears or phobias that restrict where someone goes or what they do.
  • Feeling self-conscious about making mistakes, or like people are critiquing or judging them.
  • Believing they to always have to be perfect.
  • Persistent self-doubt.
  • “What if” thoughts– One imagines negative consequences in situations that trigger anxiety. Often, the things one imagines are very unlikely to happen.
  • Difficulty feeling relaxed or falling asleep because the mind is overactive.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, we at CAST Centers are here to discuss anxiety treatment options and help you create an anxiety treatment plan.

How Do I Know If I Need Anxiety Treatment?

Worry is normal, but when worry turns into anxiety, it can have serious long-term effects, often affecting how someone lives their life. For instance, someone who is anxious about public speaking may avoid situations where they have to speak in public. Someone who has social anxiety may avoid all social situations—even generally happy ones.

When anxiety stops someone from doing something they want or need to do, or it prevents them from having a full and balanced life, it’s time to seek help. If anxiety interferes with the way one wants to live, they might benefit from anxiety treatment in Los Angeles, California.

Types of Anxiety

Anxiety disorders can affect people differently depending upon the type of anxiety they have. In some cases, anxiety centers on a particular thing or event. For instance, some people have health-related anxiety. They fear that minor physical symptoms are signs of serious illness. Others develop social anxiety, which causes them to feel anxious in a wide range of social situations, like parties. They often avoid social events altogether.

Some people feel anxious about many different things, on an ongoing basis. This is generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). People with GAD tend to believe that disaster is just around the corner. The level of anxiety they experience means they often have difficulty just getting through the day.

How Does Depression Fit In?

Many people with depression also have an anxiety disorder, but depression and anxiety have different patterns of emotional and behavioral changes. Anxiety causes strong feelings of fear and worry. Depression causes one to feel sad, hopeless, and disinterested in or discouraged about life.

“Understanding the difference between healthy striving and perfectionism is critical to laying down the shield and picking up your life. Research shows that perfectionism hampers success. In fact, it’s often the path to depression, anxiety, addiction, and life paralysis.”

Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection
anxiety treatment

Treat Anxiety With CAST

Anxiety is a difficult problem to overcome, especially if it’s a long-standing one. At CAST, we offer full anxiety treatment plans to help people with:

  • A chronic anxiety disorder, like social anxiety or health-related anxiety
  • A generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • A panic disorder
  • Co-Occurring Disorder, such as anxiety disorder and substance abuse

The CAST anxiety treatment in Los Angeles, and other mental health issues, centers on the CAST alignment model (CAM). This unique treatment program method helps people connect their mental, emotional, and spiritual selves—to empower their lives.

Anxiety Recovery Is the Best Challenge You’ll Take On

Do you want to live your live free from the anxiety that holds you back? If you’ve lived with anxiety for a long time, it can be hard to remember what life was like without it. Just imagine waking up every morning, eager to greet the day instead of fearful about what it might bring. Imagine being willing to try new things, even though you might fail. Imagine walking through your day with confidence.

You won’t free yourself from anxiety by hoping for it to disappear. Anxiety treatment may not be easy, but it’s worth the effort. It takes hard work and a willingness to confront your own limitations. If you’re ready to work—with our support—to change the patterns of thinking that hinder you, you’re ready to make a start!

It’s all possible—and it all begins at CAST Centers. Are you ready to change your life? Contact us today for anxiety treatment in the Los Angeles area.

CAST Centers is in network with Anthem Blue Cross, MHN Health Net and accepts most PPO insurances like Cigna, Aetna and GEHA.

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