Benefits of Remote Coaching

By Jackie O’Brien: Lifestyle Coach (BS, RADT-1)

Given the current climate of the world right now, mental health professionals are seeing an upswing in anxiety and depression and a decrease in the number of people seeking help. This makes sense, as it is difficult to determine what resources are available to people. The good news is, CAST Centers is offering remote coaching, also known as telehealth. This means that people can participate from the safety of their own homes and still receive quality care.  What are the benefits of remote coaching? I’m glad you asked!

  1. Lowers Stress as a result of commute and travel time.
  2. Goal Setting from a different perspective.
  3. Decreases negative feelings due to isolation and social withdrawal.
  4. Outside-the-box thinking partner.
  5. Increases flexibility and time spent with loved ones and supportive persons.
  6. Increases time to attend alternate support group meetings.
  7. Convenient and flexible scheduling.
  8. Consistent Behavior – less likely to cancel appointments or groups.
  9. More access to provider – Several check in’s per week in addition to weekly session.

These are just a few of the many benefits remote coaching offers. Over the next couple of months, places throughout your city will be closed. Coaching can help you develop a plan to stay structured, productive and positive. Please reach out to CAST Centers to set up a video consultation with a coach today!

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