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Addiction and Alcoholism are Life Long Diseases That Require Treatment and Maintenance

By Patrick O’Neil In 2011 an actor with a well documented history of substance abuse was a guest on The Tonight Show where he loudly proclaimed he had cured …

Finding Hope For Co-Occurring Disorders

By Patrick O’Neil Life can be very discouraging for those suffering from mental health and addiction. It can seem impossible finding hope for co-occurring di…

5 reasons to not postpone entering treatment

By Patrick O’Neil A recent national survey on addiction and drug use revealed that over 90% of the actively using addicts and alcoholics in America do not be…

Harm “ChemSex” Is Causing The Gay Community

By Patrick O’Neil “You may not be familiar with chemsex,” “You may not be familiar with chemsex,” writes Colin Crummy for Out Magazine, “but if you have been…

The Unwanted Byproduct Of Ketamine Therapy Is Addiction

By Patrick O’Neil Every few years a new study is conducted or a different treatment method arises for addressing addiction, depression, and anxiety—and in al…

The Cast Alignment Model

By Patrick O’Neil CAST Treatment Centers is an outpatient program that offers a variety of treatment options. Outpatient treatment can be defined as a rehabi…

How Do People Get Into Outpatient Treatment?

By Robert Lien, MHA There are numerous options for mental health and addiction outpatient rehab in Los Angeles. Not all treatment facilities offer the same t…

Why Treatment For Addiction Doesn’t Work For Some Addicts

By Patrick O’Neil For a high percentage of addicts their journey of recovery—quitting drugs and getting and staying sober—is a long and sometimes difficult p…

What Happens After IOP Treatment?

By Robert Lien, MHA If you’ve ever had any type of surgical procedure you were given recommendations for aftercare plans to help you recover from that …

Living in the Moment

By Robert Lien, MHA  You are right where you’re supposed to be. This is one of the many, sometimes hard to accept, sayings in recovery from addiction. …

What is it Like to Join an Outpatient Treatment Program?

By Robert Lien, MHA If the thought of going to an outpatient treatment program for conditions such as anxiety, depression, bipolar or addiction to drugs and …

Life After Addiction

By Patrick O’Neil Numerous recovery websites, articles, and studies have dedicated their content, time, and energy toward getting the addict and alcoholic in…

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