By Robert Lien, MHA
There are many rehab centers for depression in Los Angeles as well as individual private therapists for depression treatment. Getting help for depression starts by asking for help. It is important to understand that depression can happen to anyone and can affect people in different ways. A proper diagnosis for depression is an important step to determine what type of depression treatment will be most effective. One way to start is by speaking to your primary care physician regarding depression and how you are feeling. Medical doctors will oftentimes prescribe an antidepressant medication to help relieve symptoms that elevate a person’s mood. However, medications alone are often not enough. In conjunction with medication, it is beneficial to get some form of depression therapy.
To support antidepressant medication seeing a counselor once a week for depression therapy can be very helpful to talk about reasons that cause the depression beyond biological reasons. If depression symptoms are severe enough a person may need to go to an inpatient depression rehab center where they live 24 hours a day. However, for most people inpatient rehab treatment is not necessary or affordable. Outpatient depression treatment centers are a great option for people who are still working, have family obligations or are attending school. During outpatient treatment at CAST Treatment Centers, clients speak with a therapist one-on-one and participate in group therapy sessions. In group therapy for depression, clients will learn helpful skills and how to better communicate and understand their condition. By connecting with other people in group therapy, clients can relieve the sense of loneliness and isolation that depression magnifies. Additional solutions for depression include lifestyle changes to a person’s daily routine which include fitness, nutrition and sleeping schedules.
CAST Treatment Centers offers a comfortable, private outpatient rehab setting designed to help people who suffer with depression. Our CAST Alignment Model includes evidence-based practices to help people learn about their condition, make changes to their lifestyle to help them find the freedom to be their best self.
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CAST Treatment Centers
630 N Doheny Drive
West Hollywood, CA 90069
632 N Doheny Drive
West Hollywood, CA 90069
CAST Treatment Centers is licensed by the California State Department of Health Care Services. DHCS Certification for Intensive Outpatient and Outpatient Services.
License Number: 190936BP.
Expiration Date: 8/31/2025.
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