Getting Online Treatment

By Robert Lien MHA

The first time I saw online treatment (telepsych) being used was when I was working as the supervisor for patient access at a hospital emergency department (ED). In any ED, the staff need to move quickly and make decisions that can affect the patients outcome. Staffing a Psychiatrist 24 hours a day can be very expensive and there may be many hours that the ED did not need a Psychiatrist. So the solution was to have access to a pool of Psychiatrists “oncall” that could consult and evaluate a patient in the ED through a computer while the patient was in the ED bed and the Psychiatrist was at home or in their office. It was impressive how simple the process was and how much it could allow the ED staff to treat the patient without having to wait for a Psychiatrist to come in to see the patient.

Today at CAST Centers our staff is utilizing online treatment to work with our clients as they are all staying home to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Through a HIPPA secure Zoom conference, our clients can participate in group therapy and individual sessions. More than ever this service is helping people who may be struggling with overall well-being, mental health and addiction. All of the clients participating in the group sessions can hear and see each other while being led by a CAST Centers group facilitator. Each client gets the opportunity to connect with others who are also wanting to live a healthier lifestyle while staying safe at home.

It has been amazing to watch our staff and clients embrace this technology as an opportunity to grow and face this challenging time head on. Many people who have not struggled with depression or anxiety in the past are now finding themselves struggling alone at home. With the use of online treatment we are helping to connect people with tools and direction on how to deal with the day to day life issues as they arise. Participating in an outpatient program allows clients to put into action what they have learned in group as well as getting peer support along the way.

Additionally, at CAST Centers we are able to utilize online resources for our clients that need to see additional providers such as a Medical Doctor or Psychiatrist. Treating the whole person is our goal at CAST Centers so each person may have different needs during our outpatient treatment program. With the use of online treatment services our clients can stay safe at home during this time of reducing the transmission of COVID-19 Coronavirus and get access to the variety of professionals they would expect to be able to if participating in person. 

Call CAST Centers today at (866)-283-9885 to discuss how our online treatment program can help.

Text Us At : (424) 302-2598