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How to Find Out if You’re Depressed: Take the Test

How to Find Out if You’re Depressed: Take the Beck Depression Inventory.

Dr. Phil Introduces CAST Treatment Centers Clinical Director, Dr. Cecelia Mylett

Watch CAST Treatment Centers Dr. Cecelia Mylett on the Dr. Phil show. Dr. Phil teams up with CAST Treatment Centers Coach Mike and Dr. Mylett to help one of…

Dr. Phil taps Coach Mike to help Veteran Daniel with his challenges

Watch Coach Mike on the Dr. Phil show, helping Veteran Daniel with his challenges.

Biggest Mainstream Mental Health Movement of 2018

In 2018, CAST on Tour brought celebrities and influencers together to make mental health mainstream.

Dr. Phil Introduces Coach Mike (Mike Bayer)

Dr. Phil calls in reinforcements, introducing Coach Mike. 

CAST on Tour

CAST on TOUR 2018, Tour Dates and Featured Speakers. To raise public awareness of addiction and other mental health issues.

What is Deipnophobia?

It is not a word or a phobia we hear too often, even in a professional clinical setting.  However, just because we do not hear about, does not mean the …

‘I Have A Severe Phobia—Here’s What It’s Like’

Dr. Cecelia Mylett was quoted in Women’s Health regarding how certain conditions, like deipnophobia, are considered social anxiety and phobias.

The Past Does Not Dictate Your Future

CAST Treatment Centers Resident Advisor, Michael Arndt, was quoted on the Thriveworks blog, on the best advice he was given as a client.

The Living Room – CAST on Tour, Nashville

Here is what happened in Nashville. Mike Bayer the CEO of CAST Treatment Centers did what he called, “The Living Room”.

Holding Space – Life Lesson Hank Fortener

“Holding space… It’s the important skill you will learn in a marriage, in a relationship, in a job….”

Orlando Sanchez, Life Lesson

Orlando Sanchez talks about his life lesson during CAST on Tour.

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