Our Blog

Coach Mike: Believe it is Possible

I know it [roleplaying] seems a little silly, but it starts to get the brain and the mind to believe it is possible.

Who is Mike Bayer?

Mike Bayer, known as Coach Mike is a Life Coach whose mission is to help people achieve their goals to become their best selves. Coach Mike is the author of …

Connecting to the Present Moment – Monthly Meditation, November 2018

Staying present can be exceedingly difficult as the holidays approach. We tend to have a lot on our plates and though the holidays mean quality time with fam…

Inside the Evolving Issue of Addiction

CAST Treatment Centers very own Dr. Cecelia Mylett and Robert Oppenheimer were interviewed as alumni of the University of Southern California, Suzanne Dworak…


I was reminded to keep my mind open, and to not judge the whole forest because I didn’t like one of its trees. Somewhere along the line, my perspective …

Coach Mike Bayer Offers Advice To Man For Coming To Terms With The End Of His Marriage – 2 of 2

Coach Mike Bayer Offers Advice To Man For Coming To Terms With The End Of His Marriage – 2 of 2

Coach Mike Bayer Offers Advice To Man For Coming To Terms With The End Of His Marriage – 1 of 2

Coach Mike Bayer Offers Advice To Man For Coming To Terms With The End Of His Marriage – 1 of 2


Compassion is a foundational and universal value and practice. Compassion allows us to connect and empathize with others. It also allows us to take things a …

How do we break free from destructive patterns?

CAST Treatment Centers Founder and CEO Coach Mike Bayer appears on the Dr. Phil Show, coaching 19 year old teen Katie on building self-esteem after she fell …

A Delicate Balance

Director of Admissions, Robert Lien, MHA was interviewed about his role in the client journey towards recovery. Read an short excerpt below:

Exercise For Anxiety And Depression

Are you aware that your breathing can affect your anxiety? CAST Treatment Centers Clinical Therapist, Robert Oppenheimer explains.

Gratitude As A Practice

As most of us begin the journey of recovery, we often hear the word gratitude thrown around. Some of us write gratitude lists daily and share them with frien…

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