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Debunking 9 Common Myths About Depression

What do some of the greatest minds in history have in common? Not only did they shape the world, but they also battled depression. Take, for example, Carl Ju…

What Is Fentanyl? Understanding the Most Potent Opioid

Fentanyl, an opioid analgesic that is synthetically produced, has quickly grown to become central in the various contemporary discourses of the opioid crisis…

Spoons Theory Mental Health: Daily Management Tips

You must have come across phrases like, ‘People with autism often feel more burned after performing their regular errands.’ Also, metaphors like, ‘You don’t …

Social Media & Mental Health: FOMO vs. JOMO

The buzz of social media is increasing rapidly. It’s a place where we surf and peruse other people’s lives. However, scrolling through the feed, most o…

Can Drug Abuse Cause Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia affects 24 million people globally. It’s a complex and debilitating mental disorder that causes disturbances in thought processes, percep…

Why Drug Abuse Makes Mental Health Conditions Worse?

Mental health conditions and mental illnesses are on a steep rise. Dealing with mental illness can be a challenge for both patients and caregivers. However, …

What Are the Benefits of Medication-Assisted Treatment

Addiction and substance use disorders involve an arduous struggle against cravings and detoxification, leaving many shrouded in darkness and insecurity. For …

The Difference Between Not Using and Being in Recovery

Elijah’s life had become unmanageable. All he did was get high, alone in his apartment, and hide from the world. He knew that drugs and alcohol had become a …

Facts About Bipolar Disorder & Recovery: Transforming Lives

Mental health crises are prevailing higher each year, and these numbers are trending upward. 1 in every 8 people in the world suffers from a mental disorder….

High-Functioning Anxiety Treatment: Exploring Different Treatment Options

Do you worry about how you’ll be perceived by others? Are you always on the go and just call it “normal stress”? Do you feel like you are n…

How to Fight Depression Without Meds

When we hear the word “depression,” it feels like the end of the world. However, it is understandable to freak out. But there’s always a ra…

Danger of PnP in gay community

Party and Play (PnP) refers to the phenomenon of engaging in sexual activities while using drugs in some segments of the gay community. This practice is ofte…

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